Rajshahi is a city in the northern part of Bangladesh, and it holds a special place in my heart as my birthplace and childhood home. The city has many memorable moments for me, and I cherish the memories of growing up there with my friends and neighbors. The parks, riverside, and historical places are some of my favorite spots, and they never fail to attract my attention whenever I visit. The city offers various facilities, such as colleges, universities, medical facilities, modern markets, job opportunities, and historical places, which attract many tourists every year. The historical places include Pachtara Masjid, Shah Makhdoom Mazar, and Varendra Museum, which is the only research museum in the country. Not only that, but Rajshahi is also known as the educational city, with many colleges and universities being the first choice for students pursuing higher education in Bangladesh. The city is also famous for its juicy mangoes, which are in high demand all over the country.

The Padma River, one of the longest in the world, stretches 2,525 kilometers from the Himalayas in India to its delta in Bangladesh where it merges with the Meghna River and flows into the Bay of Bengal. It flows through Rajshahi city, providing a stunning natural beauty and an essential source of livelihood for locals. Visitors come to enjoy the river's picturesque views and take boat rides, while the lush greenery surrounding it is home to various aquatic species. The river also serves as an important transportation route for boats and ferries carrying goods and people. In the dry season, people also enjoy playing on the sandy banks of the river, which adds to the fun and recreation activities available along the Padma River.

 Rajshahi Museum is another popular tourist attraction in the city. Established in 1961, the museum houses an impressive collection of artifacts and exhibits that showcase the rich cultural heritage and history of the region. The museum's vast array of objects includes sculptures, coins, pottery, manuscripts, and textiles, many of which date back several centuries. One of the museum's most significant exhibits is the ancient terracotta artwork from the 3rd century BC, believed to be some of the oldest surviving examples of Bengali art. Rajshahi Museum is a must-visit for anyone interested in the history and culture of the region. It provides a fascinating insight into the past of Rajshahi and its people, and it is a testament to the city's rich cultural heritage.