Listening and Writing:

80% Noun

20% Adjective, Adverb, Verb. 

Gap Filling (Listening and Reading)

1. a, an -------(Singular Noun)-------------

2. The -------(Singular/Plural Noun)--------

3. To --------(V1)------------

4. Preposition (in, at, for..) ------------(Noun)--------------

5. Be verb (am, is, are, was, ware, have, had -----------(Adjective)---------------

6. ------(Adjective)-----------Noun

7. ----------(adverb)----------- Adjective + Noun

8. ----------(Adjective)------and-------------(Adjective)-------

9. ----------(Noun)------and-------------(Noun)-------

10 no article = Plural Noun

11. Noun (singular/Plural) : a amount of/ a number of =Plural, the number of = Singular, Like: some, any, much ......

Flow Tracking

1. No = not

2. e.g = example

3. All bold words

4. Years

5. Name/Place

Now your answer is coming:

1. But 

2. However

3. then, next, now

Always circle the Noun and verb words

1. Try to listen the noun and verb's PARAPHSING words

 Gap filling

Here are some tips for answering "Gap filling" questions and utilizing "Keywords" in the IELTS Listening test:

  1.     Preview the questions: Before the recording starts, preview the questions and the gaps to get an idea of what information you need to listen for. Pay attention to any keywords that are highlighted in the instructions or the gaps.
  2.     Identify the context: Listen for contextual clues in the recording that can help you identify the missing information. Pay attention to signal words like "however", "in contrast", "similarly", "moreover", and "therefore". These words can help you understand the context of the recording and identify the keywords you need to listen for.
  3.     Predict the missing information: Try to predict what information is missing based on the context and the information provided in the question. This can help you anticipate what keywords you need to listen for in the recording.
  4.     Listen actively for keywords: Listen actively and focus on the speaker's words and tone of voice. Pay attention to the keywords you identified in step 2, and listen for synonyms or related words that may be used instead of the exact keyword.
  5.     Take notes: Take notes as you listen, highlighting the keywords and any related words or synonyms that are mentioned. Write down any numbers or names that are mentioned, as well as any other important details that may help you fill in the gaps.
  6.     Check your spelling and grammar: After filling in the gaps with the keywords you have identified, check your answers to make sure they make sense in the context of the recording. Make sure you have spelled the words correctly and used the correct grammar and vocabulary.
  7.     Don't leave any gaps blank: If you're unsure of an answer, make an educated guess based on the context and the information provided in the question, and utilizing the keywords you have identified. Don't leave any gaps blank, as you won't receive any credit for unanswered questions.
  8.     Practice: Practicing with past IELTS listening tests and materials can help you become familiar with the format and style of these questions, and improve your listening skills, accuracy, and keyword recognition abilities.


> You have to identify the location

1. First of all identify where YOU are.


3. Identify in the map (EAST-WEST-NORTH-SOUTH) sides, and Right-Left, Up-Down

4.  Before read MAP VPCABULARY 

Sure, here are some tips for tackling Map questions in the IELTS Listening test:

  1.     Familiarize yourself with map symbols: Before the recording starts, take a look at the map provided and familiarize yourself with the symbols used to represent different features, such as buildings, roads, rivers, and landmarks.
  2.     Listen for directions: Listen carefully to the recording and pay attention to any directions given, such as "turn left," "go straight," or "cross the bridge." Try to visualize the directions on the map as you listen.
  3.     Identify landmarks: Look for landmarks mentioned in the recording, such as a park, a train station, or a shopping mall. Use these landmarks to orient yourself on the map and locate other features.
  4.     Use distance and direction: Pay attention to distance and direction mentioned in the recording, such as "200 meters on your right" or "opposite the library." Use this information to locate features on the map.
  5.     Label the map: As you listen, label the map with the names of the features you hear about. This will help you keep track of what you have already located and what you still need to find.
  6.     Check your answers: At the end of the test, make sure to check your answers and make any necessary corrections. Double-check that the features are correctly labeled and in the correct location.


Statement matching:

SPETS1: Read the instructions logically.

SPETS2: Circle important words and try to listen the SYNONYMS words 

SPETS3: Try to understand Positive/Negative feel.

SPETS4: Hardly try to correct answer first 1 and 2 and cross them.



1. Firstly try to read short answer's questions with answer and make sure you UNDERSTAND

2. Apply TRUE/FALSE TIPS and ILLIMATE the options, it will be easy to find out the right answer.

3. Read TWO question at a time.

4. Alright, yes, ok that means this is your answer.

5. If they say: however, but, then, next, although ...... that means your answer is coming. You have to be alert. 

6. Who's statements you have to take/get.  

Here are some tips for answering "Choose two letter MCQ" questions in the IELTS Listening test:

  1.      Listen carefully: Make sure you listen carefully to the question and the options provided. Pay attention to any words or phrases that are emphasized or repeated.
  2.      Understand the question: Make sure you understand what the question is asking. Sometimes, these questions may require you to choose two options that are both correct, or two options that are both incorrect.
  3.      Look for keywords: Look for keywords in the question and the options that can help you identify the correct answer. These keywords may include numbers, dates, names, places, or specific vocabulary related to the topic.
  4.      Eliminate options: Use the process of elimination to eliminate options that are obviously incorrect. This will increase your chances of selecting the correct options.
  5.      Check your answers: Before moving on to the next question, check that you have selected two options and that they are both correct. Remember that selecting only one option or selecting an incorrect option will result in no marks.
  6.      Practice: Practicing with past IELTS listening tests and materials can help you become familiar with the format and style of these questions, and improve your listening skills and accuracy.


Here are some tips for using keywords effectively in digital marketing:

  1.      Conduct keyword research: Conduct keyword research to identify popular and relevant keywords and phrases that your target audience is searching for. Use tools such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to help you find the best keywords to target.
  2.      Focus on long-tail keywords: Long-tail keywords are more specific and targeted, which means they can help you attract more relevant traffic to your website. Use long-tail keywords in your content and ad campaigns to improve your visibility and attract the right audience.
  3.      Use keywords in your content: Use your target keywords in your website content, including blog posts, product descriptions, and landing pages. This will help improve your search engine rankings and attract more traffic to your site.
  4.      Use keywords in your ad campaigns: Use your target keywords in your pay-per-click (PPC) ad campaigns to improve your ad relevance and quality score, and reduce your cost-per-click (CPC).
  5.      Use variations of your target keywords: Use variations of your target keywords, including synonyms and related terms, in your content and ad campaigns. This will help improve your visibility for a wider range of search queries and improve the relevance of your content and ads.
  6.      Monitor and adjust: Monitor your keyword performance regularly and adjust your keyword strategy as needed. Use analytics tools to track your search engine rankings, traffic, and conversion rates, and make changes to your keyword targeting and content accordingly.
  7.      Don't overuse keywords: Avoid overusing keywords in your content and ad campaigns, as this can be seen as spammy and can harm your search engine rankings and ad performance. Write for your audience first and foremost, and use keywords in a way that is natural and adds value to your content and ads.


Flow chart gap filling

1. Flow the fill in the gap tips.

2. "first", "next", "then", "after that", "finally", and "in the end" 


Here are some tips for answering "Flow chart gap filling" questions in the IELTS Listening test:

  1.      Preview the flow chart: Preview the flow chart before the recording starts. Look at the overall structure and identify the key stages or events in the process.
  2.      Listen for context: Listen for contextual clues in the recording that can help you identify the missing information in the flow chart. Pay attention to signal words like "first", "next", "then", "after that", "finally", and "in the end".
  3.      Focus on the relationships: Focus on the relationships between the stages or events in the process. This can help you determine what information is missing in the flow chart.
  4.      Predict the missing information: Try to predict what information is missing in the flow chart based on the context and the relationships between the stages or events. This can help you anticipate what information you need to listen for in the recording.
  5.      Use the correct grammar and vocabulary: Make sure you use the correct grammar and vocabulary when filling in the gaps. This means using the appropriate verb tenses, prepositions, and vocabulary related to the topic.
  6.      Check your answers: After filling in the gaps, check your answers to make sure they make sense in the context of the flow chart and the recording. Make sure you have spelled the words correctly and used the correct grammar and vocabulary.
  7.      Practice: Practicing with past IELTS listening tests and materials can help you become familiar with the format and style of these questions, and improve your listening skills and accuracy.



Here are some tips for answering "Flow chart gap filling" questions in the IELTS Listening test, as well as tips for optimizing your use of keywords in digital marketing:

  1.      Preview the flow chart: Preview the flow chart before the recording starts. Look at the overall structure and identify the key stages or events in the process.
  2.      Listen for context: Listen for contextual clues in the recording that can help you identify the missing information in the flow chart. Pay attention to signal words like "first", "next", "then", "after that", "finally", and "in the end".
  3.      Focus on the relationships: Focus on the relationships between the stages or events in the process. This can help you determine what information is missing in the flow chart.
  4.      Predict the missing information: Try to predict what information is missing in the flow chart based on the context and the relationships between the stages or events. This can help you anticipate what information you need to listen for in the recording.
  5.      Use the correct grammar and vocabulary: Make sure you use the correct grammar and vocabulary when filling in the gaps. This means using the appropriate verb tenses, prepositions, and vocabulary related to the topic.
  6.      Check your answers: After filling in the gaps, check your answers to make sure they make sense in the context of the flow chart and the recording. Make sure you have spelled the words correctly and used the correct grammar and vocabulary.
  7.      Practice: Practicing with past IELTS listening tests and materials can help you become familiar with the format and style of these questions, and improve your listening skills and accuracy.
  8.      Identify relevant keywords: Start by identifying the keywords and phrases that are most relevant to your business, product, or service. Use keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to help you identify the best keywords to target.
  9.      Use long-tail keywords: Long-tail keywords are more specific and targeted, which means they can help you attract more relevant traffic to your website. Use long-tail keywords in your content and ad campaigns to improve your visibility and attract the right audience.
  10.   Use keywords in your content and ad campaigns: Use your target keywords in your website content, including blog posts, product descriptions, and landing pages. This will help improve your search engine rankings and attract more traffic to your site. Use your target keywords in your pay-per-click (PPC) ad campaigns to improve your ad relevance and quality score, and reduce your cost-per-click (CPC).
  11.   Use variations of your target keywords: Use variations of your target keywords, including synonyms and related terms, in your content and ad campaigns. This will help improve your visibility for a wider range of search queries and improve the relevance of your content and ads.
  12.   Don't overuse keywords: Avoid overusing keywords in your content and ad campaigns, as this can be seen as spammy and can harm your search engine rankings and ad performance. Write for your audience first and foremost, and use keywords in a way that is natural and adds value to your content and ads.
  13.   Monitor and adjust: Monitor your keyword performance regularly and adjust your keyword strategy as needed. Use analytics tools to track your search engine rankings, traffic, and conversion rates, and make changes to your keyword targeting and content accordingly.

 True, False, Not given

1. Adjective: words

2. Adverbs: words

3. Tense

4. Limiting words: only, few, one, all, most of, every one, ......

5. Extreme words: Never, always, same .......

6. Model verbs: can, may, must, .......

7. Can=may= True

8. Be verbs.

9. Statement 100% matched with synonyms = True

10.  Statement 100% opposite by (only, few, one, all, most of, every one, Never, always, same) with synonyms = False

11. a) Some words will be matched but SENSE never be match= Not given

      b) Statement is ABSENT