Well, thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to tell you about myself. I'm Makbul Islam. You may address me as Babu. Currently, I'm working as an assistant general manager at the purchase department in NABA TECH LTD, which's a manufacturing company that produces various electronics and sanitary products. In addition, we also operate a B2B online shopping platform where we sell products at wholesale prices.

These're my major responsibilities: planning, budgeting, sourcing, contracting, negotiating with suppliers, ensuring timely delivery, and reporting to management. In addition, I'm responsible for leading a procurement team 

Throughout my career, I've achieved excellent performance records in various organizations, including Elosn Food, Jamuna Group, and Palmal Group. Along with my practical experience, I've also obtained a Postgraduate degree in Supply Chain Management, which has boosted my confidence to tackle complex challenges.

I'm a person who values honesty, sincerity, hard work, foresight, and self-motivation. I possess excellent leadership qualities, and my accounting background gives me an extra advantage in handling documentation, accounts, and audit facing. Furthermore, I am proficient in handling various procurement and supply chain software and have sound knowledge of computers.

(I completed my post-graduation degree in accounting from Govt Rajshahi College under National University, and I also pursued a postgraduate degree in supply chain management to advance my professional skills. With over 16 years of experience in procurement and supply chain management, I currently lead a supply chain team as a unit head.)

However, sometimes urgent purchase requirements become challenging due to management decisions, and it takes some time for me to procure the necessary items. To address this, I take necessary steps to solve the issue urgently, such as confirming with suppliers to give delivery urgently and informing management through phone call, text, or email. Additionally, I also notify the relevant departments, such as the user/project manager, account, audit, and transport department, about the present scenario since we are buying goods without any written approvals.

In terms of switching jobs, I am not currently considering it since I am content with my current position and the opportunities it provides for professional growth.


“First of all” - সবচেয়ে প্রথমে

“On the other hand” - অপরদিকে

“Many more” - অধিকাংশ

“Extra advantage” - অতিরিক্ত সুবিধা

“Short term” - সংক্ষিপ্তমেয়াদি

“Long-term” - দীর্ঘমেয়াদি

“Urgent purchase requirements” - জরুরী ক্রয় প্রয়োজন

“Take some time” - কিছুটা সময় নেওয়া

“Necessary steps” - প্রয়োজনীয় পদক্ষেপ

“Performance record” - কর্মক্ষমতা রেকর্ড

“Make confident” - আত্মবিশ্বাস সৃষ্টি করা

“Take challenges” - চ্যালেঞ্জ গ্রহণ করা

“Sound knowledge” - ঠিক ধারণা

“Handle software” - সফটওয়্যার হ্যান্ডেল করা


manufacturing oriented - উৎপাদনমুখী

various types of - বিভিন্ন ধরনের

online shopping center - অনলাইন কেনাকাটা কেন্দ্র

post-graduation degree - পোস্ট গ্রাজুয়েশন ডিগ্রি

supply chain management - সাপ্লাই চেইন ম্যানেজমেন্ট

strategic price negotiating - রণনীতি ভিত্তিক দাম নির্ধারণ

short term and long-term - সংক্ষিপ্ত ও দীর্ঘ মেয়াদী

excellent performance record - অত্যন্ত ভাল কর্মসূচি রেকর্ড

sound knowledge - ভালো জ্ঞান

urgent purchase requirements - জরুরী ক্রয় প্রয়োজন

necessary steps - প্রয়োজনীয় পদক্ষেপ

buying goods - মাল কেনা

without any written approvals - লিখিত অনুমোদন ছাড়াই


However - তবে, কিন্তু

Moreover - সাধারণতঃ, আরোও, তথাপিত

In addition - উপরন্তু, সহজেই, অধিকতরই

Similarly - একইভাবে, সমানভাবে

Therefore - তাই, অতএব, সুতরাং

In conclusion - চূড়ান্তে, সংক্ষেপে

Consequently - অবশ্যই, ফলে, সুতরাং