Idioms, Phrases & Linking










in my point of view

আমার দৃষ্টিকোণ থেকে



in my view

আমার দৃষ্টিতে



in my opinion

আমার মতে



I think 

আমি মনে করি















due to 




owing to 

















জোর দিচ্ছে



of course 




in particular 









বিশেষ করে















agree/ disagree 

সম্মতি অসম্মতি



I agree 

আমি রাজী



I concur

আমি একমত



I disagree 

আমি একমত নই



I cannot agree 

আমি একমত হতে পারছি না



I oppose the idea

আমি ধারণার বিরোধিতা করি



I cannot accept 

মেনে নিতে পারছি না







Additional information 

অতিরিক্ত তথ্য



















in addition 








not only ..... but also 

শুধু এটা না …...  ওটাও



as well as 












on the other hand 

অন্য দিকে



another opinion could be

অন্য মতামত হতে পারে











in spite of

তা স্বত্ত্বেও







by contrast 








even though 




















for example 

উদাহরণ স্বরূপ



for instance 

এই ক্ষেত্রে



to cite an example 

একটি উদাহরণ উদ্ধৃত করতে



one clear example 

একটি স্পষ্ট উদাহরণ



to illustrate 

বর্ণনা করা



as much








as like 
















for this reason 

এই কারনে



















at a result 












in the same 












in comparison

তুলনা করলে




স্বীকার করে







Linking points

লিঙ্কিং পয়েন্ট



to begin with

দিয়ে শুরু করতে



















Fourthly ....... 












last but not least

শেষ কিন্তু অন্তত না







Time indicates

সময় নির্দেশ করে








এখন থেকে























to draw the conclusion

উপসংহার টানতে



to conclusion 




to sum up 




to conclude 

শেষ করা


Opinion (মতামত)

  • In my point of view (আমার দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি)
  1. In my point of view, the government's decision to increase taxes will have a negative impact on the economy.
  2. In my point of view, the new policy will benefit the company in the long run.

In my view (আমার মতে)

  1. In my view, education is the key to success.
  2. In my view, the restaurant we went to yesterday was not good.

In my opinion (আমার মতামত)

  1. In my opinion, social media has both positive and negative effects on our society.
  2. In my opinion, the best way to learn a language is to practice speaking it.

I think (আমি মনে করি)

  1. I think that we should reduce our use of plastic to save the environment.
  2. I think that the company should invest more in employee training to improve productivity.

Causes (কারণ)

  • Because (কারণ)
  1. We had to cancel the picnic because it started raining.
  2. She got angry because he didn't show up on time.

Due to (কারণে)

  1. The flight was delayed due to bad weather.
  2. The event was cancelled due to lack of interest from the participants.

Owing to (কারণে)

  1. Owing to the heavy traffic, we got stuck on the highway for two hours.
  2. Owing to her illness, she had to take a break from work.

Since (থেকে)

  1. Since he had a lot of experience in the field, he was hired for the job.
  2. Since it was getting late, we decided to leave the party.

Emphasizing (জোর দেওয়া)

  • Of course (একটি স্বাভাবিক কিংবা সহজ ধারণা ব্যক্ত করার জন্য ব্যবহৃত)
  1. Of course, I remember you. We went to college together.
  2. Of course, I will help you with your project.

In particular (বিশেষতঃ)

  1. In particular, I liked the second part of the movie.
  2. In particular, the company needs to focus on improving customer service.

Clearly (পরিষ্কারভাবে)

  1. Clearly, the new product is more advanced than the previous one.
  2. Clearly, the project will require more resources than we initially thought.

Especially (বিশেষতঃ)

  1. The restaurant is known for its seafood, especially the crab cakes.
  2. I love all kinds of music, especially jazz.

Specifically (বিশেষভাবে)

  1. Specifically, the report highlights the need for better communication between departments.
  2. The software is designed specifically for small businesses..
  • Obviously (স্বভাবতঃ)
  1. Obviously, the meeting has been cancelled due to the power outage.
  2. Obviously, the company needs to invest in marketing to increase sales.

Agree/Disagree (সম্মতি / অসম্মতি)

  • I agree (আমি সম্মত)
  1. I agree with you that we should hire more employees to meet the demand.
  2. I agree with the decision to postpone the event due to the pandemic.

I concur (আমি সম্মত হচ্ছি)

  1. I concur with your opinion that the project needs more research before we can proceed.
  2. I concur with the committee's decision to award the scholarship to the deserving candidate.

I disagree (আমি অসম্মত)

  1. I disagree with the proposal to cut funding for the arts.
  2. I disagree with your assessment of the situation.

I cannot agree (আমি সম্মত হতে পারি না)

  1. I cannot agree with the decision to lay off employees without proper notice.
  2. I cannot agree with your statement that all politicians are corrupt.

I oppose the idea (আমি উদ্দেশ্যে বিরোধ করি)

  1. I oppose the idea of building a new highway through the forest.
  2. I oppose the idea of using animals for entertainment.

I cannot accept (আমি গ্রহণ করতে পারি না)

  1. I cannot accept the fact that some people still believe in racial superiority.
  2. I cannot accept the conditions of the contract proposed by the vendor.

Additional Information (অতিরিক্ত তথ্য)

  • Furthermore (আরও)
  1. The company is expanding its operations in Asia. Furthermore, it has also opened a new office in Singapore.
  2. The study found that regular exercise can reduce the risk of heart disease. Furthermore, it can also improve mental health.

Moreover (এছাড়াও)

  1. The product is not only affordable but also high quality. Moreover, it comes with a lifetime warranty.
  2. The author not only explores the theme of love but also tackles the issue of social inequality. Moreover, the novel is set in the context of the civil war.

Additionally (যোগতান)

  1. The company has introduced a new line of products. Additionally, it has also launched a social media campaign to promote the brand.
  2. The study has identified several factors that contribute to job satisfaction. Additionally, it has also proposed some strategies to improve employee well-being.

Also (সাথে সাথে)

  1. The company is hiring new employees. Also, it is planning to expand its business to Europe.
  2. The film not only has a strong cast but also an engaging plot. Also, the soundtrack is
  • In addition (এর ফলে)
  1. The company has launched a new product. In addition, it has also redesigned its website to provide a better user experience.
  2. The study found that social support is crucial for mental health. In addition, it also identified some barriers to seeking help.

And (এবং)

  1. The company is expanding its business to South America and Asia. And, it is also planning to invest in renewable energy.
  2. The report provides a detailed analysis of the market trends and consumer behavior. And, it also suggests some recommendations for the industry.

Not only...but also (শুধু এটা না …...  ওটাও)

  1. The product is not only eco-friendly but also durable. Not only does it reduce carbon footprint, but it also saves money in the long run.
  2. The book not only provides an insight into the author's life but also reflects the socio-political context of the time. Not only does it shed light on personal struggles, but it also highlights larger issues of gender and race.

As well as (একইভাবে)

  1. The company has a diverse workforce, including people with disabilities as well as people from different cultural backgrounds.
  2. The study examines the impact of climate change on the economy as well as on the environment.

Contrasting (বিপরীতাকারী)

  • On the other hand (আরেকদিকে)
  1. The company has experienced significant growth in revenue. On the other hand, it has also faced some challenges in retaining employees.
  2. The film has received critical acclaim for its cinematography. On the other hand, some viewers have criticized its slow pace.

Another opinion could be (অন্য মতামত হতে পারে)

  1. Some people believe that social media is a powerful tool for communication. Another opinion could be that it leads to isolation and anxiety.
  2. The government has proposed a new policy to promote economic growth. Another opinion could be that it will only benefit the rich.

Still (এখনো)

  1. The company has invested in research and development. Still, it faces stiff competition from other players in the market.
  2. The country has made significant progress in reducing poverty. Still, some regions continue to suffer from extreme deprivation.

But (কিন্তু)

  1. The company has a strong brand reputation. But, it needs to improve its customer service to retain customers.
  2. The report highlights the benefits of renewable energy. But, it also acknowledges the challenges of transitioning from fossil fuels.

In spite of (যদিও)

  1. The company has introduced several measures to improve employee satisfaction. In spite of this, some employees have reported feeling stressed and overworked.
  2. The government has increased funding for education. In spite of this, many children still do not have access to quality education.

Alternatively (বিকল্পভাবে)

  1. The company can either invest in research or in marketing. Alternatively, it can also explore new markets.
  2. The school can either introduce new courses or improve the quality of existing ones. Alternatively, it can also provide more opportunities for extrac
  • By contrast (বিপরীতভাবে)
  1. The company's CEO is known for his aggressive leadership style. By contrast, the company's CFO is more collaborative and approachable.
  2. The novel is set in a small town with a tight-knit community. By contrast, the protagonist is an outsider who struggles to fit in.

Although (যদিও)

  1. Although the company has a loyal customer base, it needs to diversify its product offerings to remain competitive.
  2. Although the government has taken some steps to reduce air pollution, it needs to implement more stringent measures.

Even though (যদিও)

  1. Even though the company has faced several setbacks, it remains optimistic about its long-term prospects.
  2. Even though the research is still in its early stages, it shows promising results.

However (তবে)

  1. The company has a strong financial position. However, it needs to invest more in innovation to stay ahead of the competition.
  2. The film has an interesting plot. However, some viewers may find it slow-paced.

Despite (প্রতিবন্ধিত হওয়া নিমিত্ত)

  1. Despite the pandemic, the company has managed to increase its sales through online channels.
  2. Despite the opposition from some members of parliament, the bill was passed with a majority vote.

Examples (উদাহরণ)

  • For example (উদাহরণস্বরূপ)
  1. Many countries have implemented policies to reduce carbon emissions. For example, Norway offers tax incentives to people who buy electric cars.
  2. There are several ways to stay healthy. For example, eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise can reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

For instance (যেমন)

  1. There are many ways to conserve water. For instance, taking shorter showers and fixing leaky faucets can save a significant amount of water.
  2. There are many factors that contribute to climate change. For instance, deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels release large amounts of greenhouse gases.

To cite an example (উদাহরণ উল্লেখ করা)

  1. The study found that the use of social media is associated with lower self-esteem. To cite an example, people who spend more than two hours a day on social media are more likely to report feeling unhappy.
  2. The book provides a nuanced analysis of the feminist movement. To cite an example, it explores the tension between liberal and radical feminism.

One clear example (একটি স্পষ্ট উদাহরণ)

  1. One clear example of the benefits of renewable energy is the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
  2. One clear example of the negative impact of air pollution is the increased risk of respiratory diseases.

To illustrate (প্রদর্শন করা)

  1. The chart illustrates the trend in the number of COVID-19 cases over time.
  2. The author uses vivid imagery to illustrate the protagonist's emotional turmoil.

As much (সমান পরিমাণ)

  1. The company values teamwork as much as individual achievement.
  2. The
  • Namely (অর্থাত্)
  1. There are many factors that contribute to global warming, namely, the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial agriculture.
  2. The new policy will affect several departments, namely, finance, marketing, and operations.

As like (একইভাবে)

  1. The two sisters look very much alike, with the same hair color and facial features.
  2. The two cars perform almost as like each other, with similar acceleration and handling.

Consequently (ফলে)

  1. The company invested heavily in research and development. Consequently, it was able to launch several innovative products.
  2. The government imposed strict lockdown measures to contain the spread of the virus. Consequently, many businesses had to shut down temporarily.

For this reason (এই কারণে)

  1. The company decided to relocate to a larger facility. For this reason, it sold its existing property and bought a new one.
  2. The product did not meet the quality standards. For this reason, the company had to recall it from the market.

Thus (সুতরাং)

  1. The company identified several areas for improvement. Thus, it initiated a training program for its employees.
  2. The experiment yielded inconclusive results. Thus, the researchers decided to conduct further tests.

Hence (এতে)

  1. The company's profits have been declining for several quarters. Hence, it needs to take corrective measures to improve its performance.
  2. The government has announced a new policy to promote renewable energy. Hence, it plans to increase the funding for research and development in this field.

So (এতে)

  1. The product received positive reviews from customers. So, the company plans to launch a new version with additional features.
  2. The company faced several challenges during the pandemic. So, it had to implement cost-cutting measures to stay afloat.

Therefore (অতএব)

  1. The market demand for the product has been increasing steadily. Therefore, the company plans to ramp up its production.
  2. The company failed to meet its sales target for the quarter. Therefore, the management decided to review its sales strategy.

Similarly (একইভাবে)

  1. Many people have switched to organic farming for health reasons. Similarly, some have turned to veganism for ethical reasons.
  2. The two books are similar in many ways, with comparable themes and writing styles.

Likewise (একইভাবে)

  1. The company offers several benefits to its employees, such as health insurance and retirement plans. Likewise, it provides paid time off and flexible work arrangements.
  2. The two movies are directed by the same filmmaker. Likewise, they share a common genre and visual style.

In comparison (তুলনামূলক)

  1. The new model is more fuel-efficient than the previous one. In comparison, it also has more advanced safety features.
  2. The two cities are different in many ways. In comparison, one is a bustling metropolis while the other is a quiet town.

Admittedly (স্বীকার্য)

  1. Admittedly, the company's profits have been declining for several quarters. However,
  • To begin with (শুরুতেই)
  1. To begin with, let me introduce myself. My name is Sarah and I work as a software engineer.
  2. To begin with, the company needs to identify its target market and develop a marketing strategy accordingly.

Firstly (প্রথমতঃ)

  1. Firstly, let's discuss the problem in detail. What are the underlying causes and what are the possible solutions?
  2. Firstly, the company needs to conduct market research to understand the needs and preferences of its customers.

Secondly (দ্বিতীয়তঃ)

  1. Secondly, we need to analyze the data and identify patterns or trends that can help us make informed decisions.
  2. Secondly, the company needs to prioritize its goals and allocate resources accordingly.

Thirdly (তৃতীয়তঃ)

  1. Thirdly, we need to develop a plan of action based on the insights and findings from our analysis.
  2. Thirdly, the company needs to monitor its progress and make adjustments as needed.

Fourthly (চতুর্থতঃ)

  1. Fourthly, we need to implement the plan and track the results to measure its effectiveness.
  2. Fourthly, the company needs to evaluate the feedback from its customers and incorporate their suggestions into its products or services.

Lastly (শেষমেষ)

  1. Lastly, we need to review the outcomes and identify the key takeaways that can inform our future actions.
  2. Lastly, the company needs to celebrate its successes and learn from its failures to improve its performance.

Finally (অবশেষে)

  1. Finally, we need to present our findings and recommendations to the stakeholders and solicit their feedback.
  2. Finally, the company needs to develop a long-term vision and roadmap that aligns with its values and goals.

Eventually (অন্ততঃ)

  1. Eventually, we hope to achieve our goals and create a positive impact on society.
  2. Eventually, the company aims to become a leader in its industry and set new standards for innovation and sustainability.

Henceforth (এরপর)

  1. Henceforth, we need to adopt a proactive approach and anticipate potential risks or challenges.
  2. Henceforth, the company needs to foster a culture of collaboration and continuous learning to stay ahead of its competitors.

Meanwhile (একইসময়ে)

  1. Meanwhile, we can explore other options and gather more information to make an informed decision.
  2. Meanwhile, the company can focus on improving its products and services to meet the evolving needs of its customers.
  • Subsequently (পরবর্তীতে)
  1. The company's profits have been increasing steadily over the years, and subsequently, it has expanded its business to new markets.
  2. The new product was well received by customers, and subsequently, the company decided to increase its production.

Initially (প্রথমে)

  1. Initially, the company faced several challenges in establishing itself in the market, but it gradually gained popularity through effective marketing strategies.
  2. Initially, the project seemed simple, but as the team started working on it, they realized that it required more resources and time than anticipated.

To draw the conclusion (উপসংহার করতে)

  1. To draw the conclusion, the new product has a high potential for success in the market due to its unique features and competitive pricing.
  2. To draw the conclusion, the research study provides valuable insights into the factors that influence customer loyalty in the retail industry.

To conclude (উপসংহার করা)

  1. To conclude, the company's financial performance has been consistently strong, and it is well-positioned for future growth.
  2. To conclude, the project was completed successfully within the given deadline and budget, thanks to the efforts of the dedicated team.

To sum up (সংক্ষেপে)

  1. To sum up, the training program was effective in improving the employees' skills and knowledge, and it received positive feedback from participants.
  2. To sum up, the company's decision to diversify its product line has helped it to mitigate the risks of relying on a single product.



  1. Break a leg - সফলতা কামনা করা (Wishing for success) Example: "I'm really nervous about my presentation today." "Don't worry, break a leg!"
  2. Piece of cake - সহজ কাজ (Easy task) Example: "This math problem is a piece of cake for me."
  3. Hit the nail on the head - সঠিক মানে বলা (Say something accurately) Example: "You hit the nail on the head with your analysis of the situation."
  4. Barking up the wrong tree - ভুল লক্ষ্য করা (Pursuing the wrong path) Example: "If you think I stole the money, you're barking up the wrong tree."
  5. Cost an arm and a leg - খুব বেশী খরচ হওয়া (Very expensive) Example: "I'd love to buy that car, but it costs an arm and a leg."
  6. The ball is in your court - সমস্যার সমাধানে তোমার দায়িত্ব (Responsibility to solve a problem) Example: "I've given you all the information you need. Now the ball is in your court."
  7. Break the ice - আতঙ্ক কমানো (Ease tension in a situation) Example: "I'm going to try to break the ice by telling a joke."
  8. Cut corners - সহজ উপায় নেওয়া (Take shortcuts) Example: "I don't want to cut corners on this project. Let's do it right."
  9. A piece of one's mind - সমস্যার কারণ নির্দেশ করা (Directly tell someone what they're doing wrong) Example: "If he keeps being rude to customers, I'm going to give him a piece of my mind."
  10. Ballpark figure - প্রায়শই সঠিক মূল্য নির্ধারণ করা (An approximate estimate) Example: "Can you give me a ballpark figure for how much the project will cost?"
  11. Bite the bullet - দুঃখভরা কাজ করা (Do something unpleasant or difficult) Example: "I don't want to have surgery, but I know I need to bite the bullet and get it over with."
  12. Burn the midnight oil - দীর্ঘ সময় কাজ করা (Work late into the night) Example: "I have a big exam tomorrow, so I'll be burning the midnight oil tonight."
  13. A blessing in disguise - অপেক্ষাকৃত একটি সুযোগ (A situation that seems bad but actually turns out to be good) Example: "Losing my job was a blessing in disguise because it gave me the opportunity to start my own business." "Not getting into the college of my choice was a blessing in disguise because I ended up going to a school that was a better fit for me."
  14. Barking up the wrong tree - ভুল লক্ষ্য করা (Pursuing the wrong path) Example: "If you think I stole the money, you're barking up the wrong tree." "I think you're barking up the wrong tree if you expect the boss to approve your proposal."
  15. A piece of one's mind - সমস্যার কারণ নির্দেশ করা (Directly tell someone what they're doing wrong) Example: "If he keeps being rude to customers, I'm going to give him a piece of my mind." "I had to give my boss a piece of my mind when he asked me to work overtime without pay."
  16. Ballpark figure - প্রায়শই সঠিক মূল্য নির্ধারণ করা (An approximate estimate) Example: "Can you give me a ballpark figure for how much the project will
  17. Pull someone's leg - মজার কথা বলা (Tease someone in a playful way) Example: "I'm just pulling your leg. Of course, I know you didn't really see a ghost." "Don't take me seriously, I was just pulling your leg."
  18. Face the music - দণ্ড দেওয়া লাগা (Accept the consequences of one's actions) Example: "I know I messed up. It's time to face the music and apologize to the client." "You can't avoid facing the music forever. Eventually, you have to own up to your mistakes."
  19. Go the extra mile - আরও পরিশ্রম করা (Put in more effort than is required) Example: "If we want to win this contract, we're going to have to go the extra mile." "I know the project is due tomorrow, but can you go the extra mile and make it perfect?"
  20. Keep one's chin up - অবিচল থাকা (Stay optimistic in difficult times) Example: "I know things are tough right now, but keep your chin up. It will get better." "She's been through a lot, but she always manages to keep her chin up."
  21. Kick the bucket - মরা (To die) Example: "I heard that old Mr. Johnson kicked the bucket last night." "I hope I get to travel the world before I kick the bucket."
  22. Let the cat out of the bag - গোপন তথ্য ফাঁস করা (Reveal a secret) Example: "I wasn't supposed to tell you, but Sarah is pregnant. Don't let the cat out of the bag." "I accidentally let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party."
  23. Miss the boat - সুযোগ হারানো (Miss an opportunity) Example: "If we don't submit our proposal today, we're going to miss the boat." "I missed the boat on buying that stock. Now it's worth ten times what I could have bought it for."
  24. Put all your eggs in one basket - এক জায়গায় সব দেওয়া (Rely too much on one thing) Example: "Don't put all your eggs in one basket by investing all your money in one company." "We need to diversify our client base so we're not putting all our eggs in one basket."
  25. A blessing in disguise - গোপনে উপকার হওয়া (Something good that isn't recognized at first) Example: "Losing my job was a blessing in disguise because it gave me the opportunity to start my own business." "When the flight was cancelled, we were upset at first, but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise because we got to spend an extra day in Paris."
  26. Cut to the chase - গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বিষয়ে সরাসরি প্রবেশ করা Example: "We've been discussing this matter for quite some time now, let's cut to the chase and focus on the main issue at hand."
  27. Break a leg - শুভেচ্ছা জানানো (Wish someone good luck) Example: "Break a leg on your performance tonight!" "I have an interview tomorrow. Do you have any advice for me?" "Just be yourself and break a leg!"
  28. Cry over spilled milk - অপচিত ব্যয় করা (To complain about something that cannot be undone) Example: "I know we lost the game, but there's no use crying over spilled milk. We'll do better next time." "I accidentally spilled coffee on my shirt this morning, but I didn't cry over spilled milk. I just changed my shirt and went on with my day."
  29. Don't count your chickens before they hatch - নির্ভর করা একটি ঘটনায় যা ঘটতে পারে না (Don't assume something will happen until it actually happens) Example: "I'm hopeful that I'll get the job, but I'm not counting my chickens before they hatch." "We might get a big order from the client, but we can't count our chickens before they hatch."
  30. Every cloud has a silver lining - নিঃশব্দে কষ্টের পর আশার উজ্জ্বল দিক দেখানো (There is something positive in every bad situation) Example: "I lost my job, but every cloud has a silver lining. Now I have the opportunity to start my own business." "The trip got canceled because of bad weather, but every cloud has a silver lining. We'll get a chance to plan a better trip next time."
  31. Fit as a fiddle - ভাল অবস্থায় (In good health) Example: "After taking a break and getting some rest, I'm feeling fit as a fiddle." "He's been going to the gym regularly and eating a healthy diet. He's fit as a fiddle."
  32. Get cold feet - অনিচ্ছাকৃতভাবে থমকা যাওয়া (To become too scared to do something previously planned) Example: "I was going to ask her out on a date, but I got cold feet." "He was all set to propose to his girlfriend, but he got cold feet at the last minute."
  33. Hit the nail on the head - সঠিক উপায়ে কাজ করা (To do or say something exactly right) Example: "You hit the nail on the head with that suggestion. That's exactly what we need to do." "She hit the nail on the head with her analysis of the situation."
  34. In hot water - বিপদে পড়া Example: "He got into hot water at the office today and now he's in a bit of trouble."
  35. Keep your chin up - অগ্রসর থাকা (To remain positive in difficult situations) Example: "I know things have been tough lately, but you have to keep your chin up and keep going." "Don't worry about the exam. Just keep your chin up and do your best."
  36. Let the cat out of the bag - সেক্রেট বলে দেওয়া (To reveal a secret) Example: "I accidentally let the cat out of the bag and told her about the surprise party." "We were trying to keep the merger a secret, but someone let the cat out of the bag."
  37. Make a long story short - সংক্ষিপ্ত করা (To tell a story briefly) Example: "To make a long story short, I ended up getting lost and missing the train." "There were a lot of complications, but to make a long story short, we were able to finish the project on time."
  38. No pain, no gain - অগলে পানি নেই (You have to work hard to achieve success) Example: "I know it's tough, but no pain, no gain. If you want to achieve your goals, you have to work hard." "He's been working really hard to improve his skills. No pain, no gain."
  39. On cloud nine - খুব আনন্দের স্থিতিতে (Feeling extremely happy and satisfied) Example: "When she found out she got the job, she was on cloud nine." "After winning the championship, the team was on cloud nine."
  40. Piece of mind - মনের শান্তি (A feeling of calmness and satisfaction) Example: "I finally finished that project and handed it in, so now I have some piece of mind." "After talking to him and clearing the air, I have a real sense of piece of mind."
  41. Pull someone's leg - কাউকে ছেড়ে দেওয়া (To tease someone) Example: "I'm just pulling your leg. I didn't actually eat your sandwich." "He said he was going to be a famous actor, but I think he was just pulling my leg."
  42. Rain cats and dogs - প্রচণ্ড বৃষ্টি পড়ছে (To rain heavily) Example: "It's raining cats and dogs outside. We should wait a while before we leave." "I was supposed to have a picnic today, but it's raining cats and dogs."
  43. See eye to eye - একই মতামতে থাকা (To agree with someone) Example: "We don't always see eye to eye, but I respect his opinion." "We finally saw eye to eye on the best way to proceed with the project."
  44. Smell a rat - কিছু ভেদ করা যাচ্ছে (To suspect something is not right) Example: "When I saw the price of the car, it seemed too good to be true. I started to smell a rat and decided not to go through with the purchase."
  45. Steal someone's thunder - কাউকে পছন্দ না হওয়া কিছু করে নেওয়া (To take credit for someone else's idea or achievement) Example: "I was going to announce my new invention, but my colleague stole my thunder and announced it first." "He always tries to steal my thunder by repeating my ideas in meetings."
  46. Take a rain check - এখন কোনো কাজে জানাতে না পারা (To postpone an invitation or offer) Example: "Thanks for inviting me to the concert, but I can't go tonight. Can I take a rain check?" "I'm too busy right now to go to lunch, but can we take a rain check and do it next week?"
  47. The ball is in your court - তোমার হাতে নয় (It's your turn to take action or make a decision) Example: "I've given you all the information you need to make a decision. Now the ball is in your court." "I've done everything I can to help you. The ball is in your court now."
  48. The devil is in the details - বিস্তারিত দেখা খুব জরুরি (Small details are important and can cause problems) Example: "We need to make sure all the paperwork is correct because the devil is in the details." "The contract looks good, but we need to review it carefully because the devil is in the details."
  49. The early bird catches the worm - যে ব্যক্তি শুরুতেই কাজ শুরু করে সেটি ভালো পায় (The person who starts early has an advantage) Example: "I always get to work early because the early bird catches the worm." "If you want to get good tickets to the concert, you have to buy them early. The early bird catches the worm."
  50. The elephant in the room - বিষয়টি সম্পর্কে আলোচনা না করা (An obvious problem or difficult situation that people do not want to talk about) Example: "We all know there's a problem with the budget, but no one wants to talk about the elephant in the room." "The elephant in the room is that we're all working too many hours and it's affecting our health."
  51. The whole nine yards - একটি পূর্ণ সমাহার (Everything that is possible or available) Example: "I want the deluxe package with the whole nine yards. I don't want to miss anything." "She went all out for the party, with decorations, food, and music – the whole nine yards."
  52. Through thick and thin - হলদি  মারি দুইই সাথে থাকা (To stay
  53. Bite the bullet - একটি কঠিন সমস্যার সমাধান করা (To endure a painful or difficult situation). Example: "I had to bite the bullet and ask my boss for a raise even though I was nervous."
  54. Drive someone up the wall - কারো উপর উড়িয়ে দেওয়া (To annoy someone greatly). Example: "Her constant tapping on the table is driving me up the wall."
  55. Fall head over heels - উন্মাদ ভাবে প্রেম করা (To fall deeply in love). Example: "As soon as he saw her, he fell head over heels in love."
  56. The pot calling the kettle black - একটি মানুষ আরেকটিকে যে কোনো কাজের উপর আলোচনা করছে কিন্তু তার নিজের কাছে সে ঠিক সেই কাজটি করছে (Criticizing someone for something that you do yourself). Example: "He told me to stop being so lazy, but he's the pot calling the kettle black, as he never does anything himself."
  57. Beat around the bush - বুশটির চারপাশে হাঁটা (To avoid talking about a difficult or important topic directly). Example: "Stop beating around the bush and just tell me what you want to say."
  58. Bite the bullet - কঠিন কাজ করা (To face a difficult or unpleasant situation bravely). Example: "I didn't want to move to a new city, but I knew I had to bite the bullet and do it for my job."
  59. Break a leg - শুভকামনা (A way of wishing someone good luck, especially in a performance or competition). Example: "Break a leg at your dance recital tonight!"
  60. Call it a day - কাজটি সম্পন্ন করে বন্ধ করা (To stop working on something for the day). Example: "It's getting late, let's call it a day and finish this project tomorrow."
  61. Cry over spilt milk - একটি দুর্ঘটনার পর আর করা যাবে নাতাই এর উপর রোদন করা বা দুঃখ প্রকাশ করা অপ্রয়োজক (To be upset about something that cannot be changed). Example: "I know you made a mistake,