6 Types Question of Speaking & Basic Vocabulary for them                        Band 8+ Vocabulary

৬ টা Topic হলঃ  

  1.     Person 
  2.     Place 
  3.     Objects/things 
  4.     Law, cause & effect with solution 
  5.     Event 
  6.     Your favorite

1. Person related vocabulary


   Supportive       To provide or offer assistance when necessary.

   Cheerful          Having a happy or pleasant personality.

   Ambitious        Having a strong desire for success.

   Outgoing         Having a sociable and friendly personality.

   Considerate    Having a kind and thoughtful personality.

   Confident        Being sure of oneself.

   Adventurous    Someone who likes to try new and daring things

Words & Phrase

1 . To be the life and soul of the party: a fun person, someone who is the center of activity

Example: He has always been the life and soul of every party that he took part in.

2. To hide one’s light under a bushel: to hide one’s talents and skills

Example: I have to say that she is the type of person hiding her light under a bushel.

3. To lose one’s temper: to suddenly become angry

Example: Please leave before I lose my temper.

4. Good sense of humour: the ability to understand what is funny

Example: The guy has a good sense of humour, then he always is the life and soul of the party.

5. Trustworthy: someone who can be trusted

Example: I have known her for many years, so I must say that she is a trustworthy person.

6. Self- confident: someone who believes in one’s own ability or knowledge

Example: My sister is self-confident and she always believes on herself even when she has to speak in front of lots of people.

7. Self-assured: someone who is confident

Example: I want to teach my children to be self-assured from early ages.

8. Introverted: Someone who is shy

Example: In my opinion, people who are introverted cannot be a good leader.

9. Extroverted: having a confident  character  and enjoying the company of other people

Example: She is extroverted, and she really likes to interact with other people.

10. Easy- going: relaxed and not easily worried about anything

Example: She is easy-going, and she never loses her temper.

11. To bend over backwards: to try very hard to help someone

Some physical adjectives - Curly hair, height, appearance


  1.  Place related vocabulary

Cosmopolitan: including people from many different countries.

Urban: in, relating to, or characteristic of a city.

Bustling: (of a place) full of activity.

Lively: full of life and energy; active and outgoing.

Hectic: very busy and fast.

Vibrant: full of energy, color, and life.

Contemporary: existing and happening now.

Touristic: relating to or popular with tourists. Words to describe the town/countryside:


Rural: in, relating to, or characteristic of a countryside.

Run-down: weak or in a bad condition.

Quaint: attractively unusual or old-fashioned.

Close-knit: bound together by strong relationships and common interests.

Outskirts: the outer parts of a town or city.

Suburb: an area on the edge of a large town or city, where people who work in the town or city often live:

Picturesque: visually attractive, especially in a quaint or charming way.

  1.   Objects/things related to vocabulary (Books, film...)


Thought-provoking : a book or film that makes you think of new ideas or that changes your attitude to something action movie : film with fast moving scenes, often containing violence.

abstract (form) :a type of film that rejects traditional narrative in favor of using poetic form (color, motion, sound, irrational images, etc.) to convey its meaning or feeling; aka non-linear; see also avant-garde bedtime reading: a book you read in your bed before going to sleep. box office hit: a very successful movie, in terms of money.

e-reader: a gadget for reading books. from cover to cover: from first page to last. hardcover: a book with hard cover. Opposite to softcover.

page turner: a book which is so good that you cannot stop reading it. plot: a storyline of a book or film. creepy: producing a sensation of uneasiness or fear, scary. dreary: gloomy or depressing.

entertaining: funny and enjoyable. futuristic: telling about the future.

heartbreaking: that breaks your heart and evokes sad emotions. inspirational: evoking inspiration.

intense: a book or film loaded with actions & emotions that evokes strong feelings. tear-jerking: tragic, making you cry. to know like a book: to know something extremely well.

to read between the lines: to understand the hidden meaning about something.

to catch the latest movie: to see a movie that has just come out.

Action-p+n macked: full of action.

addictive: a book or film that you quickly become addicted to.



  1.   Law, cause & effect with solution related vocabulary


Violent offender: The violent offender was arrested and taken to jail.

Ultimate goal: The runner’s ultimate goal was to win the race.

Small confines: The puppy was placed in small confines so he would not use the bathroom in his cage.

Cell blocks: The cell blocks of the prison held inmates of all shapes and sizes.

General population: She was very smart compared to the knowledge of the general population.

Social contact: The toddler needed more social contact with other toddlers in order to learn how to share and be kind.

Disruptive behavior: I was kicked out of the classroom for my loud antics and disruptive behavior.

Emergency response: The girl collapsed on the floor and we dialed 999 for the emergency response team.

Correctional facility: The purpose of the correctional facility was to try and teach prisoners to behave better and be less violent.

Brute force: We had to use brute force to open the rusty door.

Training academy: The soldier had to go through a training academy in order to become part of the Army.

Internal politics: The school’s internal politics involving finding a new principal caused the faculty to fight with one another.

Controversial component: The issue of electing a woman president has become a big controversial component in the 2016 election.

Intimidation technique: The school bully used an intimidation technique of

Safe environment: The church provided a safe environment for members who were feeling threatened at home.  

5. Event related vocabulary


Firstly, remember that you must be specific and detailed about the festival, such as what kind of festival it is.

Kinds of festivals:

Carnival– mobile event featuring amusement park rides and games

Parade– event in which people, usually in costume, walking or riding down a street in front of a crowd

Performers such as musicians, acrobats

Traditional garb traditional clothing/costumes

Boisterous– loud and lively

En masse– people in large numbers; a large crowd that moves to one location

Jubilant– joyous

Legendary– something epic you will never forget

Delicacies special, unique food

Chant– a song with little or no music, with short phrases people repeat together

Refreshments– drinks

Vendors– people who sell things





  1.  Your favourite - related vocabulary  (Any favourite-books, persons, place ...


striking resemblance: when two people or things are very similar especially in the way they look


Attractiveness: someone who is attractive is good looking


youthful appearance: used when saying about someone who looks young He is a good-looking man and has a youthful appearance


body build: the distinctive physical makeup of a human being. I have noticed that almost all of the athletes have strong body build


Well-dressed: wearing smart clothes of good quality

 He was quite a dashing figure, tall, handsome, well-dressed, extremely charming.


untidy looking: having or showing a lack of care in grooming  A very untidy looking man entered the room.

She was a tall blonde woman, slightly overweight but still handsome.


first impression: is what a person thinks of you when they first meet you. 

It is true that first impression matters but if efforts taken then it would definitely never be the last.



Plump: slightly fat in a fairly pleasant way – used especially about women or children, often to avoid saying the word ‘fat

She was a charming-looking woman, middle-aged and comfortably plump.


slightly overweight: having a bit above a weight considered normal or desirable. She was a tall blonde woman, slightly overweight but still handsome.


slim woman: gracefully thin.

She was said to be ‘tall, slim and strikingly handsome woman’.


obese person: grossly fat or overweight

What is your first thought or emotion when you see an obese person?



Chubbya stocky person is short and heavy and looks strong.

The illustrations feature chubby , cheerful babies and toddlers.



Well-built: having a big strong body Do women love well built men?



Muscular: having very big strong muscles

 In person he appears taller and more muscular than he does on the pitch.


Beard: a growth of hair on the chin and lower cheeks of a man’s face Tom was nearly sixty and had a long brown beard.


Moustache: a line of facial hair above the top lip

He was handsome and had a moustache which suited him.